I just read on Twitter…”Houston Wire & Cable Acquires Vertex Distribution”. This was reported by Global Fastener News. Funny, that’s how I hear big news these days…through Twitter. Seems like a good time to post the following piece about communications within the fastener industry.
Next Monday will mark the 10 year anniversary of Fastenerblog.com. I dug up the first post and it is shown below. I’ve got to laugh as the first line discusses industry consolidation…and I just wrote about that two posts ago! Either I’m just recycling old material or things haven’t changed all that much. But they have. More on that next time. And, on a side note, I can no longer claim I have ANY kids under 20. And, what happened to “My Space”?
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Fastener Industry Future
We have all seen consolidations, companies close their doors. We’ve seen an influx of fasteners from China and India and many other countries. We have seen online ordering, we see high tech warehousing all across the country. But…..where do we go to discuss the evolution of our industry with other people from our industry?? Welcome to Fastenerblog!
I’m not sure what this site can accomplish. Perhaps distributors across the country can discuss sources for products both domestic and overseas. Maybe someone moving across the country can do some job searching on the site. Maybe a company can discover some marketing insights by linking up with other bloggers. All I know is I have kids under the age of 20 and they all have blogs and “My Space” pages and “Face Book” accounts and I thought….why not us? The bolts and nuts people.
So, welcome the Fastenerblog. Please leave a note and let’s see where we go from here!
posted by Traveling Salesman @ 8:20 PM 

I went back to your old Blogger blog posts for kicks, and saw those posts about top 5 favorite suppliers. Of course Porteous and Heads & Threads were mentioned. It’s weird to think some of the YFP’s might not even know those names.
Ahh, but their old boxes still litter the dusty shelves of fastener distributors throughout the nation. Along with old Southern Screw & Reed & Prince boxes.
I can’t believe it has been 10 years already. You’ve done a great service to us fastener folks!
Thanks. That’s very nice of you.
Keep ’em coming my friend. See you soon.
You’ve come the long way ’round, TS. Remember, it’s all about the journey. And that recycling is good for the environment.