Wow I didn’t realize I have been reading this blog for so long. You have built a following along the way. That is quite an accomplishment. Between your long standing career and helping the fastener industry understand social media You are certainly worthy of a place in the Fastener Hall of Fame.
Rick Rudolph
5 years ago
Thank you TS, for all of your thought provoking conversation starters.
Wow I didn’t realize I have been reading this blog for so long. You have built a following along the way. That is quite an accomplishment. Between your long standing career and helping the fastener industry understand social media You are certainly worthy of a place in the Fastener Hall of Fame.
Thank you TS, for all of your thought provoking conversation starters.
And so the Legend began. I don’t think I am alone in my appreciation for your commitment to the fastener community.
Here’s to another 13 years.