At a recent NFDA speaking engagement, economist Dr. Alan Beaulieu declared the U.S. economy is in good shape. I was not there but that is what has been reported. Beaulieu of ITR Economics speaks regularly to this fastener organization and many NFDA friends have told me he is usually very accurate (it is reported, that ITR boasts a 94.7% accuracy rate in its projections). So, if he is in fact correct, that is a good thing. The report suggests that ITR analysis projects continued expansion through the first half of 2018! Unemployment is down, manufacturing is up. Banks are lending and retail sales are rising. Sounds all positive, right?
I know a lot of people have been kind of slow or flat for the second quarter of 2015. A lot of discussions at the Fastener Tech ’15 show confirmed that sentiment. I hope Dr. Beaulieu is correct. The Kiplinger Report has continued to suggest that in the second half of 2015 and into 2016 should see should see some growth. So, as Beaulieu was quoted at the NFDA meeting, “Think of how to grow”.
During the last couple weeks the stock market has been down and that may cause one to feel a little less optimistic. But that often is not reflective of what we see in the marketplace anyways. I like when the stock market goes up and I imagine that some day I’ll have enough money to retire comfortably, if I choose. But for today, I’ll take comfort in the report from the good doctor and from Kiplinger and I will think of how to grow. Because if you aren’t growing….